Tuesday 12 September 2006


Last week as I was driving to my new, scary, change-is-bad and I'm stressed out workplace I felt awful. I was nervous and sad and grumpy and just not liking the fact that I have to work for a living. Nothing was cheering me up. I was in a rather bleak mood.

But? The Universe is so very good to me. As I got out of my car, I glanced at the sign painted on the wall opposite my parking slot. No Parking, it says, in nice bold yellow stencilled letters all along that wall. Except where I park.

Where I park, someone has spray painted over the P with an F and the K with a T so that what the sign reminds everyone is: No FarTing.

It made me smile. My black cloud of a mood was gone. Now, every morning I'm grinning when I get out of my car. And there's nothing better than starting your day off happy.

Some juvenile delinquent out there is brilliant. And has a good sense of humour.

Well done, I say!

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