Wednesday 13 September 2006


Man. Sure can feel a bite in the air lately. Fall is rolling in.

I know Jim mentioned it a while ago, but walking to the store yesterday, just like I've done a gazillion times this summer, I realized that I was chilly. The air just didn't hold any heat.

No more summer outfits for a while, I guess. Bummer.

Oh well. At least it's not getting dark earlier.

*looks outside*



Biddie said...

When I woke up this morning, I noticed that the sun was barely up. It was 7:00!! How depressing....

Victoria said...

: (

danish said...

Weeeeeird. The high here in Arizona has been about 95-100. Granted, I used to live on the cold East coast, but I still forget that the rest of the world has this thing called COLD.

...and speaking of cold, don't you guys get a nastier brand of cold than America does? I'm assuming you do. It would make sense to me, anyway.

Victoria said...

if you're talking about "sniff sniff, achoo, cough cough" type of cold then I don't think we get a nastier version.

if you're talking about "brrrrrrr" cold weather? Then it really depends. Where I live, we really don't get much of a winter. We get rain and "chilly" days but maybe only one or two days of snow and a few weeks of frozen puddles. The rest of Canada does get colder and some parts of it get verrrrrry cold, but nowhere I've ever lived. Compared to Arizona? Yeah, I'd guess we get way colder : )