Friday 17 November 2006

To The Single Guys Out There

Please note the distinct lack of ring on my left ring finger.

Please hear that I do not mention a husband, boyfriend or partner.

Please do not assume I am married.

If you assume I'm married without asking or checking or finding out from... oh.. anyone? Well then you're never going to ask me out are you?


I am very much not married.

That is all.


Victoria said...

My fridge is fine Ryan! lol

Anonymous said...

The comment from Ryan reminded me that girls really don't realise just how "stupid" (and that's a relative term) guys are.

Girls analyse every little nuance of a conversation - the hidden meanings, the intentions, right down to the inflections of individual words.

Guys hear "wha wha wha" like in Charlie Brown, and think "okay, that's a great dress, and she has a really cute figure, but I daren't be caught looking at her body, so I will look her in the face even though she doesn't realise I've not heard a word she's saying"...

Victoria said...

Ok Jonathan, I just completely laughed out loud at your comment.

But...(lol) really????? LOL

If that's true, I'll never be able to talk to a guy again without hearing my voice as the Charlie Brown teacher and laughing. : )

It can't be that bad.
