Monday 13 November 2006


I have a day off and apparently nothing to say.

I'll be back later.

Go read some good stuff somewhere.

Update: Yeah, still got nothing. Stupid work, taking up all the space in my brain.

Another update: So I have a day off, right? And I went to the gym on my day off, right? So... why, exactly was there a client from work at the gym? On my day off? I'm going to eat chocolate now. On my day off.

Oh, and one more thing: One of my totally awesome buddies gave me a neck rub Saturday night because I whined and because we were so enjoying the Studio 60 he had recorded and convinced me to watch (after we had spent several hours killing bad guys on City of Heroes. I LOVE being a geek!) So, it's two days later and my shoulders still hurt. But they hurt in that "we got a massage" kind of way. What's that all about? Ow. Maybe I need another massage? Or a personal masseuse at my beck and call? Yes! That's exactly what I need!

Or maybe a heating pad.


cocoa_no_gogo said...

I'm thinking about reporting you to NaBloPoMo.

Victoria said...

I will sit and pout until you change your mind.
