Sunday 21 January 2007

So Where Have I Been All Your Weekend?

(You know how there's that line "Where have you been all my life"? Yes? Well, now does the post title seem funnier? No? Are you sure? I think it does. )

Anyone remember my friend who was going to have a baby? Yes? No?

Well, guess who I got to meet this weekend?

( Hint: Very small. Cute. Squirmy. )

It was both bizarre and cool to see someone I've known for nearly half my life with their own baby.

And now I'm going to collapse into my own bed in my own house where it's very quiet (yay!) but there's no one around to fall asleep all snuggly and cute on my stomach (boo!).

Night night.


Jonathan Beckett said...

I think it's very funny indeed (the quote), and wish I had thought of something equally amusing.

I do have a cunning idea for a blog post though, and am going to work on that throughout lunchtime...

Victoria said...

" I have a cunning plan! " - Baldrick.

: )

cocoa_no_gogo said...

I found it not to be funny.

your pal,

Victoria said...

Oh, come on Cocoa! It was riotously funny!



; )