Tuesday 1 January 2008

Bad Idea, This

I'm watching a scary movie and every time I mumble "stupid girl" I don't know if I'm talking about the girl in the movie who knows better than to do that or if I'm talking about myself, for watching it all alone in the evening when there's no daylight out!


How's your New Year going so far?


McGone said...

Three Resolutions broken so far - better than last year at this same time!

Happy New Year, V.

Victoria said...


Happy New Year McGonigle.

You'll come to my funeral if they get me right?

(huddling under the blanket)

Likalia said...

So far New Year has been sleeping in, drinking my coffee sitting on the beach, putting a puzzle together, plus some food and booze. :) Not too bad.

What movie were you watching all by yourself?

Victoria said...

Ooooh, that sounds awesome Likalia!

I'm just now watching the end of 28 weeks later. I've had to go on the internets to distract myself while I watched.


Victoria said...

Sorry about the hangover Tyler! Hang in there,and yes, never drink again! ; )

Happy new year!

Jenn O'Neil said...

Sick with the flu - which means it can only get better!

Happy New Year!

Michael Colvin said...

You made me smile with your mumblings, G does the same. It is very hard to watch when someone keeps shouting, "turn the light on you idiot!"

I didn't think 28 weeks was anywhere near as good as 28 days. Did you enjoy it?

Jonathan Beckett said...

My new year started yesterday by staying in the house all day - trying to give my immune system a chance to actually pull it's finger out and do something.

Today I am back at work for the first time since before Christmas, and trying to clear the decks of all the paperwork. What fun (not)

Happy New Year btw

Victoria said...

Get over that soon Jen!

Tod, I tend to mumble in my head (just in case the bad ones are listening I guess! ) And it's funny because "they" had said that 28 weeks was better than the first but I just found it gory, too gory for my taste (and the story?) and now I'm all waiting for my happy ending. So, it was definitely scary, but I guess I liked the first one better.

Jonathan, I hope you keep getting better!

Happy New Year All!

Unknown said...

I mutter the same thing when I watch scary movies... and the same applies to me as well...

My new year is going along swimmingly! I've been in London for about a week now and I'm never leaving to return to the US of States... I've been here before, just not when I was old enough to take charge of the day and go out "exploring", by that I mean drinking in SOHO...


Victoria said...

Good to know I'm not alone in the muttering CJ!

London sounds awesome (well, yeah, same for me, been there before, but wasn't allowed to drink!) so have a couple for me kay?


And remember to drink lots of water ; )