Tuesday 25 November 2008

No More Harshing my Mellow

It's been a bumpy couple of months around here (work wise) but I feel that with a few wise decisions on my part (the biggest one, to be honest, being "I will not complain about work and work situations") and a slight reduction in the amount of spy work coming my way in the next little while I feel like things are settling down. Mellowing out. Smoothing. Easing.

And it's a nice feeling.

I did find certain things that helped bring down my level of "Aaaaa!" -ness, and I'm wondering what you guys do when you need to de-stress. Do you eat better? Worse? Do you shop? Meditate? Go for a run? Call a friend? Watch a bad (ie. good) movie? Change your thinking? Move to another country?

How do you survive those bumpy work (or life) times?


writer80 said...

A LONG hike. A run. A drive at night with a friend to a place where the lights aren't too bright to see the stars. Really any kind of getting outdoors in a non-city environment is the way to go.

Singing loudly and/or crying hard both work wonders too!

Jenn said...

Yoga, red wine, and a good cry!

Victoria said...

Hmmm, two votes for good cries! :)

Ms Behaviour said...

Yoga and salad. And dancing in my living room in the dark :) I just did that ;)

GF Girl said...

I think it depends on what caused the stress: I run in the rain, dance in the dark, long hot shower, eat a comfort meal - mac and cheese the real stuff, buy myself flowers and yes the cry. Sometimes I do all of the above at one time, sometimes it's one at a time...

But I wholeheartedly agree with the cry, it's the perfect form of catharsis.

Victoria said...

Ooooh, good ideas y'all! :D

Yvonne said...

-walk in the woods or a stroll near the ocean, away from the crowds and chaos of the city
-aforementioned chocolate
-chai or hot cocoa
-a hot, scented bubble bath
-a hug from someone who cares

Victoria said...

hugs are teh awesome!