Thursday 9 April 2009


I absolutely love the sunshine.

I love waking up to it.

I love spending a day looking out the window at it.

And I love, love, love, lying, like a cat, in a beam of it that's come through the window into my apartment.

And to be honest, I don't know if I'd appreciate the sun quite as much, if we didn't get our fair share of cloudy days.

They make the sunshine seem just that much brighter.



FigJam said...

A bright sunny day just has a way of putting an extra spring in your step - maybe that's how the first season after winter came to be called spring? I believe I have made a major discovery, I must go document it so I can claim credit :)

Happy Easter.

Victoria said...

You're *so* on to something! All credit goes to you for sure! :D