Monday 15 June 2009


I heard a car accident yesterday.

And if you've ever heard one, you know the distinctive screech/crunch sound it makes.

Once I'd heard it, I turned to see if everyone was ok, (it was just a minor bump up) and I remembered the moment after we were hit in our accident,and my brain/body connection kicked in and my neck started hurting and I started feeling like crying.

Guess I'm not as over the accident as I'd thought.

Will just have to keep on getting better.


Jim said...

Sometimes our shock mechanisms work too well, letting reality trickle into our conciousness long after we thought we had come to terms with a situation.

dilling said...

takes a bit of time....

Erik Brown said...

It's been nearly 9 years since our accident and the smell of radiator fluid can bring me right back there... You'll work it out in time, but there will always be something that can bring it back fresh.

Victoria said...

Guess that's true Jim.

Hope so Dilling.

Wow, that's crazy Erik!