Saturday 19 September 2009


I wonder if I've ever known the last time I was going to sleep with someone was the last time I was going to sleep with them?

P.S. Arrrr, happy International Talk Like a Pirate Day me mateys. Avast!


Laura said...

I have known, at least twice that I can think of.


Victoria said...

Hmm. . .

And, yarrr arr! ;)

Mark said...

Strangely, I've thought it was the last time many times with some people. I think when I've accurately predicted it, it was more a brute force effort than any real insight.

Ms Behaviour said...

There are many times I have thought, "I wonder if this is the last time I will sleep with this person". But I don't think I have ever really known for sure.

Dominic said...

Hmm.. at first I thought this was a simple question, but then I realised I could only go with "It depends how you define it" as my answer to this one..

Victoria said...

Ms B, I think I'm the same. I may have wondered it, but never really known for sure.

Well there you go then Dominic.