Saturday 27 November 2010


I saw another unusual transportation sight on the way home from work yesterday.

But this one, unlike the last two that made me go "Huh?" this one made me smile; is still making me smile.

I was headed for some groceries and saw a group of kids on the sidewalk heading towards me. Usually, this would only be something I'd notice in my periphery, but one of the boys looked unusual so I glanced over at them.

He looked unusual because he was wearing full hockey goalie gear, most likely for a street hockey game, and he was pushing himself along on his scooter.

It was the most adorable, patriotic sight I've seen in a while. A little goalie on his scooter heading to or from his game.

I hope he played well, but I sure appreciated the smile.


TL said...

So cute! I used to always be the goalie when I played street hockey with the boys in my neighbourhood. (But that was mostly because I was slow and no one wanted me playing out!)

Victoria said...

I usually ended up as the "ball girl" as in, we missed the goal and the ball's rolling down the street go get it! ;)