Friday 6 May 2011


I feel like I turned a corner this weekend.

(Well, actually, I turned something like 13 corners by the time I got to the end of the race! [Drum "joke" solo goes here] Man, I'm funny in my head.)

It's the first weekend in a while where I've felt lighter at the end of it.

These last few weeks, or maybe even this last month has been a hard one but some things clicked into place this weekend and I feel, well, relieved.

It's really nice to come out of a weekend and feel like getting through the next week is something I can actually do. And to feel closer to people I care about and further from illness and worries and from things that have been clinging to me for a long while.

So I want to remember this because I know things will get difficult here in a bit, I know we'll all have to pull through my Dad's surgery in a couple of months, but today and this week is a reminder that this too shall pass.

And does.

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