Tuesday 7 April 2015


I'm pretty sure long weekends should go on forever and that I (and everyone else) should not be having to return to work this morning.

I know, I know, some people didn't get a long weekend, but I did and it was long.  And weekendy.  And I don't want it to end.  To put it in other words... I don't want to work, I just want to bang on me drum all day.

You know?

Le sigh.

Puppy dog eyes.



Elliott said...

You convinced me...you can take the week off. It was the puppy dog eyes.

For what it's worth.

Jason Langlois said...

So agree. Why can't this weekend go on for another 4 days and blend into the next weekend.


Victoria said...

Yay yay yay yay yay! Thanks E!

That's totally what I'm saying Jason.

You guys get it. :)

Jonathan Beckett said...

Oh, how I would like a week off. If I'm not in the office I get sucked into tidying the house up though...

Victoria said...

Sorry... :/ I could try to magic you a week off?