Tuesday 11 June 2024


I think I've mentioned before but I'm certainly noticing changes in how my mind/brain works these days.

It's almost like my brain has flipped from professional mode to casual mode and so in some ways that's maybe ok but here's a funny example (to me) of something that happened that would not have happened a few years ago.

I was in the record store looking for a Moby record.

There was nothing in M in the rock area so I went to electronica.  Nothing there either.  I couldn't think of any other genres where Moby might be so I kind of gave up for a while.

As I was about to leave I thought I'd look one more time in the regular/rock section and that's when I figured out I'd been looking for MB instead of MO.  Like I know the alphabet.  I know how to spell Moby, you can even hear the vowel when you say the name but still, somehow, my brain was looking for Mb instead of Mo.  I... can't speak to why?

But yeah, I feel less smart and quick than I used to be and it's weird (but I'm trying to find it amusing?!)

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