Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Oh Dear

When I wrote that post the other day it was in the late afternoon of Friday and I was feeling sick but hopeful that I was on the mend.  I was in bed for about 11 hours that night, slept for a chunk of that time, rested for the rest (coughed for some of it) so I assumed that much rest would help me out but when I woke up Saturday morning?  Nope.  Not better.

All my thoughts of "maybe I'll just need to take Monday off of work" turned to "maybe I'll need to take the next couple of weeks off this is bad!"

C-Dawg and Jason texted to check in how I was and all I replied was "no" (which I then followed up with, ask me later, mornings are rough)

I left a message with my doctor's office saying I'd call first thing Monday but that I was unwell and maybe possibly was there a spot for an appointment? (Not sure that'll happen but worth a shot, and grateful to have a doctor at all right now.)

I then called our health information line (811 here in BC) and waited to talk to a nurse who asked about my symptoms and showed enough concern that I'm now more concerned than I was (both whooping cough and pneumonia are "going around" as well as the usual suspects - flu/covid/RSV and the nurse's concern was whooping cough which I've had before and hated and recently re-vaccinated against so if it's that at least I covered myself WOO HOO!)

But man that "worse in the morning" thing sure sucks and makes it hard to plan to go to work when work starts in the morning. 

I know these posts are out of timeline and so depending on when you read them may not make sense but that's just the way the cookie crumbles or something like that. (And speaking of 'crumbling', no I don't want to talk about the crumbling of the country directly to the south of me, but I'm aware of it and not wanting to put much of my attention on it, which is "easy" to do when I"m this under the weather anyway.)

The only things I"m not doing that the nurse suggested are a humidifier and steaming.  So I just did steam breathing for a while before I sat down to type this and I'm sure my pores are thanking me? (Added bonus?)

So yeah, I'm not improving as much as I'd like but I think (knock on wood) I'm also not worsening so that's at least good right?

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