Monday, 10 March 2025

Some Extra Swearing

I was aware that the (STILL STUPID) time change was happening soon, but it was with some amount of shock that I realized it was actually this weekend.

Like usually I start thinking about adjusting my schedule a bit in the week leading up, but it was this Friday afternoon that I read something somewhere and went "holy bleep, that's THIS weekend?   Like tomorrow night????"

And so yeah.  Time change.  Suddenly.  Since I was busy paying attention to the actually possibly end of the world kind of happening? 

I adjusted my clocks Friday afternoon and tried to get up at new time and eat at new time on Saturday and I wrote myself a note to change the car clock as that one often gives me a panic when I get in the car on a Monday and think I'm either really late or really early for leaving for work.

Let's hope this one is as gentle as possible as it feels like there's already too much going on right now, ok? 

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