Monday, 2 September 2019

Labour Day

The Labour Day holiday is a holiday I know I've seen as an ending for a long while.  As in, the end of Summer, even though the weather will do what it wants in the coming month, timing wise, it always feels like the symbolic end, you know?

Burning Man occurs the week leading up to (and ending on) Labour Day, and so since my first time going the "end of Summer" being marked by this day became even more pronounced.

Last week was the week of Burning Man 2019, and I followed along on social media, including popping in to watch a live feed from time to time (I have very mixed feelings about it) and I did watch the two big burns this weekend (the Man burn and the Temple burn.)  But I also felt pretty disconnected.  For a lot of reasons that aren't all that important right now...

But back to Labour Day.  It's a bit of a funny one because I think a lot of people (since it's a shared US/Canada date) treat it as a Summer party sort of thing, when really, it's meant for us to remember and recognize those who fought for us to have reasonable working hours.  Or, according to the google search I just did, to "celebrate the workers" and some other patriotic wording I don't feel like repeating.

But happy Labour Day anyway... whatever it means to you; recognition of workers and workers rights, or a symbolic end of summer or the day Burning Man ends or ...

I know we still have three weeks until Autumn, so enjoy them and watch as things slowly, subtly change around you.


Elliott said...

Talk about irony as to the original intent of Labour Day...I had to work because it was the first day of month end and the European parent company doesn't recognize the holiday...even though Europe has more vacation time for their employees than most North American companies.

Victoria said...
