Tuesday 13 February 2024


I forgot to mention it (not that it matters particularly) but I think those antibiotics also gave me wacky intense dreams?

Or maybe it was the bug, I dunno, I just know I went the week of cold medication NOT SLEEPING (seriously, it was awful) and then stopped them when I went on antibiotics and my dreams were intense so yeah.

Still haven't had a great/solid sleep yet but I'm at least sleeping again so thank goodness for that!



Oh and? I forgot to mention that as happy as I was (and proud of myself!) for getting to the gym, and especially for getting some swimming in! I was also quite sore and achy the next day and I have no idea if I over did it or if it was soreness from exercise after ten days of not?  I dunno, but even though it felt fine at the time it still may have been a bit much, hard to know.

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