Saturday, 20 April 2024


Did I tell you I've made some sorbet?

I was watching a cooking show with Jason and the chef (Jamie Oliver) made a sorbet for dinner and it was SO so easy (how he made it anyway) that I thought I could totally do that myself and so I have.

At a basic level, it's fruit and sugar mixed together and frozen.

I've made a few since then.  One (blackberry) didn't work as it had no flavour (even though the berries were nice) and a couple have ended up a bit icy (pomegranate juice and strawberry) and I am halfway between learning and not knowing what's going on and I wish I could share it with people but it's hard to transport and I don't have anyone in my life who particularly likes it.

I mean, not that I'm a massive fan to be fair, but it's neat to have made something myself, you know?

(So far the raspberry's my favourite but the mango has a lovely taste and best texture.)

And no, I don't have an ice cream maker, so if you look up a recipe, just know you can survive making sorbet without one!


Jason Langlois said...

I do enjoy a good sorbet.

Victoria said...

Well have I got news for you! *opens freezer to reveal four different sorbet flavours* ;) lol

No, but really, it's a pretty easy thing to do. You should totally try it if you want! I'm debating an orange one but so far my "juice based" one was icy so I expect the same if I try orange.