Monday, 8 July 2024

Worth Asking

Yesterday I emailed my building manager to see if they would talk to whoever about potentially getting some awnings up on my side of the building (the side that gets the worst of the sun... the other side has shade and trees and morning sun only).

I don't know that it's a thing that's possible (not being an awning expert) and I highly doubt it something they'd want to go for/pay for but I figured I'd ask anyway.

I've probably mentioned it before, but the lovely giant windows in my place are all facing one direction and that direction gets the sun all afternoon.  No matter what I do, no matter how cool I manage to get my place, once it gets to around 2pm the temperature starts ticking up as the sun hits that side.  The temps rise and rise and rise until the sun goes behind the building behind mine.  Then there's some relief and the temps start to tick back down but it's kind of the worst of the worst as it heats up the area as we head into evening so unless there's a breeze (god I love a good breeze) things don't cool down much until about 6 or 7 am.  So, yeah, more "sun blocking" would sure be helpful.

I do think that building owners will have to think about more extreme temperatures as time goes on (not getting into that as it will cause a panic on my end) but I also know that building owners are in the business of making money (am I cynical?  you betcha!) so I get that they may not want to do what I assume is retrofitting (unless there's some other term for adding external things to older buildings, I dunno!)

But anyway, I asked.  Even if it's a no, I asked.  Sure, I'd lose light the rest of the year and view of sky or something but damn these hot months suck and my inability to cool my bedroom enough to let myself sleep drives me almost literally insane.

That being said... I can't afford to move so I'll keep on dealing with what I need to... you know?

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