A few weeks ago my thumb started to hurt.
Yeah, that's a weird spot to have hurt, I know! It wasn't all the time, it was just occasionally, like when reaching for something but the pain is INTENSE when it happens.
Like sharp, burning, make you want to swear kind of sudden, instant pain.
On the "outside" of my one thumb. What?
It's not a constant thing so I'd forget about it and then do something "innocent" like reaching for a plate in the cupboard and BAM! (ow ow ow ow ow ow ow!)
I considered getting like a splint and I worried it was age related arthritis and not "fixable" or something but I decided to be smart and make a physio appointment. (After dealing with the pain for a few weeks....)
I've since been to said physio and their best guess is a type of tendinitis around the sort of arm/wrist area that I have "caught" early enough that the pain hasn't spread yet.
So now I have exercises to do (and heat to use if I want, and same for anti inflammatories if I want) and another appointment next week to hopefully have some progress.
As I was chatting with the physio about possible causes, it did occur to me that I have recently changed my thyroid medication a little bit and that that can mess with joints and tendons so maybe my body is like uber sensitive and I changed some internal stuff while maybe using my phone too much or something ordinarily innocuous (they call this "mommy wrist" as apparently new mothers get this injury from lifting their baby out of the crib... go figure) or maybe I am just... you know, in a body that is aging or maybe a combo of all sorts of things but what I'm focussing on is that I'm on it and going to work to make this really not nice pain stop happening.
So yeah. If you suddenly start to get a burning thumb pain sometimes? Go see that physio sooner rather than later eh?
"mommy wrist" ??? surely mothers do not haul their children out of the crib with one hand ... hoisting my sisters' kids out when babysitting I aways used two hands. Oh, could be your mobile ... so many never appear to have out of their hands these days ... I hope that soon pain is no longer a part of your life.
My guess is it's how I'm using my mobile (cell), and I assume that "mommy wrist" is double sided?
Thanks, me too! :)
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