Thursday, 19 September 2024

The Frustrations Of Human Nature

I just checked (in my tracking system) and I've been going to these water aerobics fitness classes since the end of April.  I'd wondered about them for a while and am really glad that I was accidentally in the pool right before one was starting and had the time to and got up the courage to attend one.

It's clearly a form of exercise that works for me since I keep going back to it, and my body is getting stronger and more flexible/mobile and I assume my cardio is improving too, but like most importantly to me, I keep going.  That's a big deal for me.

But there is never a day when I actually *want* to go in the hour or so leading up to when I have to leave to head to the pool.  

Even though I don't hate the exercise.  Even though I sometimes if not often enjoy it.  Even though it seems to be helping my body and I love that I get my exercise done all in one go and even though it's pleasant and I love being in the water and it's generally a good time and I usually feel better (emotionally) after, even with all that, I still never really want to go.

It's not like I'm chomping at the bit with excitement that I GET TO GO WORK OUT IN THE POOL NOW!  Nope.  I have to battle myself in my head every time like "you know you'll feel better after and worse if you don't go" and "just get it done, ignore these thoughts and go get changed".  I like have to push myself to go every time and it's kind of frustrating.  I'll sometimes even get intense anxiety about it, and then have to push through that and let me tell you it sucks!

I know we're all different, we humanoid type creatures so I imagine there are people who love their exercise, who just chomp at the bit to get it to it... their running or cycling or weightlifting or whatever.  Maybe I've been one of those people before and/or maybe I will be at another point but mostly I'm battling my own inertia and comfort to push myself to get the thing done and over with and then I feel all better after and forget that I ever didn't want to go and then it all generally repeats the next time.  So funny, this human existence thing eh?

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