Friday, 18 October 2024

Where'd You Go?

Does anyone else get attached to cars/vehicles they regularly see or pass?

Like, on my way to the gym (which I almost always walk to) I used to pass this car that had, what I assume, was a wrap on it that was not pink not orange and not purple but some combo of all of them?  It was SUCH an odd and unusual colour (I wouldn't have put it on my own vehicle FWIW) but certainly stood out.  Some days I'd try to see if the colour changed as I passed it or when/why the colour changed if it did at all?

Well, that car's not there anymore.  Or hasn't been for a month or three now and I feel sad, like my little visual buddy is gone!

Which led me to think... does anyone else "miss" other peoples' cars that all you ever did was see them?


Jason Langlois said...

Yep, its like losing a landmark.

Victoria said...

For sure! :) (glad I'm not the only one)