Wednesday, 27 November 2024

The Relativity Of It All

I turn fifty in a few months.  And I was thinking about it the other day and I realized that when I think about my legit age (vs my "I feel this old" age which is a few decades ago) I mentally think 45.

Which, I realize, those four missing years coincide with the whole pandemic and lockdown and time getting weird in 2020 and 2021 and like yeah those/these last 4 or 5 years haven't been solidly marked.  It's quite odd.

I know MANY of us have talked about this time weirdness especially during the lockdown times and then when things started to try to reopen so I know I'm not alone in this weird feeling of time having not run the same way for the last *while* but yeah, I genuinely have a hard time knowing my actual age and I think it's partly what has gone on both globally and personally this last 4/5 years.

I'm sure time being weird is also something to do with getting older in general but still... I'm really not sure how I got from 44 to 49 without quite noticing.  Ooops?


Jason Langlois said...

It just happens. Like wtf, how is 1990 now 34 years ago? And how am I not 34?
Who ever came up with this time thing, they sure didn't work out the bugs before release.

Victoria said...

I will not be reading the thing you just wrote about 1990 because if I do it will make me feel dizzy and unwell NOPE NOPE NOPE! ;)

Yvonne said...

I'm in my late 50's and I have no idea how this happened!

Victoria said...

Right? Whaaa?