Monday, 2 December 2024

Well Crap!

First of all, it's December, yes quite SUDDENLY, even if we (ok maybe just me?) are not quite ready for it and all that it can bring/entail!  So, um happy December and end of this weirdly quick year....

Second of all, even though I've been using this blog platform since the start of this blog, so like a hundred plus years give or take, I just discovered something this weekend and I feel not so smart?

So when I get a comment here, I get a notification on my phone in an email app and I try to remember to go and reply to the comment.  I like the idea of actually engaging with folks who have made the effort to say something so I have always replied to comments!

From time to time I'll get a spam comment.  The system often "catches" them but sometimes doesn't and when it doesn't I have to go in and manually delete and mark the comment as spam.  

So this weekend I got a spam comment and went to find it and couldn't.

Well that was weird because I'd gotten the notification of the comment (which is how I could tell it was spam.... many of them have a similar pattern) so I started to click around trying to find it as I don't like spam comments sitting around being visible. (NO attention for YOU!)

So I'm looking for this comment and I find this spot I don't think I'd ever noticed before where Blogger puts spam comments.  But I swear, not all of them?  So I click on this section and BAM.  Hundreds of comments.  HUNDREDS.  Dating back to the first year of this blog.  And you guys?  Most of them frigging MINE!!!!

I started to go through them, without actually knowing if they were published or hidden or what and, well after dealing with the first handful I just mass deleted all of them.  D'oh.

So if you've ever had a comment not show up (not that you necessarily check?  I don't know how it works) or you've left a comment and I seemingly ignored it?  Well, I guess they got chomped up by the spam bot and I had no idea.

And I may have just deleted hundreds of my *own* comments dating back a decade or more but it just kind of is what it is at this point and kind of hilariously ironic that the comments of the person who "owns" and writes the blog had been marked as spam.  Le sigh.

So yeah, sorry for not knowing the system and for any comment weirdness you may have encountered!  User error on my end! Whoops.


Yvonne said...

That's so crazy! I am amused when Gmail periodically labels my Google calendar notifications as spam. lol

Victoria said...

Gah! lol ;)