Friday, 10 January 2025

Aw Crap

The other day I went to put some more window washer fluid into my car and when I lifted up the hood, there was a trail of partially eaten nut, like a house nut, not a found on the streets nut (a pecan I think) and a chunk of nut left in my engine compartment.

This is not good.

No one and nothing should be getting in my engine area and some of my neighbours have had issues with rodents (rats they think?) chewing on their wires and cables and causing hundreds of dollars of damage and now someone was hanging out in my engine eating a damn nut!  ARGH!

I cleaned out the nut remnants and put down some essential oil (people claim rats, etc don't like the strong smell) and I feel like or maybe I hope that this was more of a squirrel finding a spot to hang out than a mouse or rat starting to live in my engine but y'all?  I don't want to look again to see.  

But I know I should and kind of have to and so I hopefully will get over myself and check again for, I don't even know what, damage?  More evidence of rodent hanging out? But sigh....

Things I'd rather have lived without ever having encountered for 100 please Alex.

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