I had just gotten in to bed Thursday night when there was a bang and my room shook like in an earthquake.
I listened to hear if the guy upstairs would get up or anything as a good portion of my brain figured he had, for whatever reason JUMPED REALLY HARD onto his bed.
A small(er) part of my brain reminded me that since I don't sleep with anything on, if it had been an earthquake and had caused any serious issues, I would have been, well, naked. Sigh. But I wanted to get to reading my book and so I shrugged off whatever jumping the guy upstairs was doing.
I'm writing this on Friday evening to let you all know that the guy upstairs has a friend over right now and whatever they just did in the living room did indeed shake my place and make a banging noise but that despite this fact the thing I heard and felt on Thursday night was actually NOT him, and was, in fact, an earthquake.
One of the shortest duration ones I've ever felt (really it was like a split second BAM and over) and apparently quite nearby but fairly "small".
I think had I realized 100% it was an earthquake I wouldn't have been able to calm down enough to sleep so I guess I'm glad I let myself think the guy upstairs had just catapulted into bed.
Waking up to the news though that small part of my brain did indeed mumble "I told you it was an earthquake." Yeah, I know. Sorry.
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