Monday, 10 February 2025

We Progress

Y'all?!  Two days without needing/taking a nap!

Also two days off of antibiotics (this may be purely co-incidental....)

By the time this posts it may even be three days sans nap, woo hoo!

I also got back to aqua fitness, which I was mentally starting to feel like I might never as my motivation to do much has been shot for weeks now with this bug and sickness. (I took a puff of inhaler right before I went in to the pool and still coughed a bit but not too much and I was thrilled to make it through the whole class yay!)

In less great news I have put on more weight than I lost.  This is likely mainly on me as after a week of no appetite I was happy to be wanting any food at all but I did not watch what I was eating and allowed myself quite a bit of junk (chocolate and chips I'm looking at you!) but the idea of making a meal was overwhelming and the pre-made meals I bought (like a frozen burrito) just did not appeal and I justified to myself that I was getting calories in me even if they weren't great, but for all sorts of reasons I'm sure (including age and hormones and having been sick) my body packed on too much weight in the last week or two and I am not not happy about or ok with that. But that's not really what I intended to come here to post about.

So yeah, I haven't needed or taken a nap in a couple of days and I'm off of the antibiotics and only using the inhaler when I feel I really need it or expect I might need it.

Don't get sick.  That's my advice.  Advice you're likely already in agreement with and doing your best with!  I'm now working on getting back to better and avoiding anything like this any time or ever again (if that's possible.)

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