Thursday 24 August 2006

I Wonder

Last night I had a great, long dream about running. Not running away from bad guys, ( I used to get chased a lot by Tintin's Thompson twins. Wearing yellow rainslickers. It was terrifying. They always had a motor boat. I could never get away.) but just running.

Running around and around this track. Some sort of massively long track that was the length of a marathon but inside a highschool or college or something? Maybe it was in Texas. It was really big. I dunno. I had to do lots of laps. I only got two done before I woke up. (Damn alarm.) My coach was thrilled with how well I was doing because it was a training session but I was winning and therefore doing great honour to my Country. Like when Team Canada played Team Russia during the Cold War or something. I was good. The running was awesome.

My dream running felt like flying or soaring; effortless and easy. It was perfect-temperature-breeze-blowing-my-hair, light-on-my-feet kind of running. Now, I'm not a runner ( I walk on the treadmills people. Walk!) but if I could run as easily as I did last night? I don't think I'd bother doing anything else. Not even work. Or eating. Definitely not sleeping. I'd just run. It was that good. I didn't want to wake up. (I should call up the runners I've dated and ask them if it feels like this when you're good at it. Or maybe I should just avoid calling my exes. Yes, that's a better idea.)

Except, today? I'm tired. Totally exhausted. It's like I didn't sleep at all last night. So I'm wondering...

Maybe all that running tired me out. Like, my body was so busy running it forgot to sleep.

What? Maybe it did! Seriously.

It could happen.


Anonymous said...

A Tintin reference....suddenly I feel a little less odd for still remembering those books. thanks for that. :)

Victoria said...

Heh. No problem! :)

Aliza said...

I just started reading your blog, and I love it! And I'm also really excited to see the Tintin reference! Those books were so much fun :)

Victoria said...

Yay and yay! :)