Thursday 17 August 2006

To the Seriously Hot Guy at the Gym (No...Really Ladies, He Was THAT Hot!)

Ok, so listen... we're going to have to work something out here. You can't go to the gym at the same time as me ever again ok?

What's that? You want to know why?

Um... well, I'm hoping you didn't notice, but as I was *casually* (yeah right) walking from one part of the gym to another, passing near you for no particular reason, I kind of tripped. And tried to pretend I hadn't. And I blushed. And felt really stupid.

See, despite what my loyal readers might think, I don't go to the gym to meet guys, I really don't. REALLY. (no, really... seriously) So it's distracting to me when there's a hot guy like you there. It throws me off my game. I end up embarrassing myself.

So, seriously hot guy? Find some other times to go ok? Not while I'm there. I need to maintain focus. And not trip.



ps. Oh, and I should probably tell you...I took quite a few delicious photos of you!

pps. *Austin Powers voice* With my mind, baby! *end voice*

ppps. Um...because you're totally not allowed cameras in the gym. That'd be like, really creepy.

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