Saturday 13 January 2007

Winter Bliss

It's always so pretty around here when the snow visits.


Slinger said...

they are saying we are gonna get 3-6 inches here tomorrow. If it happens, you will see some shots on my flickr page. But don't get too excited.

dilling said...

it's been gorgeous, no?
cold but gorgeous.

Jonathan Beckett said...

Fantastic photo.

I love the phrase "when the snow visits" - it reminds me of the lines from "A Christmas Carol".

- "How many brothers have you got?"
- "What year is this?"
- "Eighteen hundred and forty three"
- "Well then I have eighteen hundred and forty two brothers"
- "I've never seen 'em"
- "You've never looked!"

Victoria said...

Slinger: I'll try not to get too excited for you until I see your photos as proof : )

Dilling: Very gorgeous. N cold!

Jonathan: It's a nice photo, isn't it?
That sounds like a funny Christmas Carol :D