Monday 12 February 2007

Dude, That Was Weird

OK, so remember that time when I had that weird money thing when everything I bought just kept on coming out to even numbers or like, sixty seven dollars and sixty seven cents and stuff like that?

Well, get this. I was just "balancing" my checkbook ( I say balancing lightly because, come on, there's no balance.... it leans very heavily one way ) and the amount I spent on groceries just now was exactly what was left in my account. Leaving me with exactly zero dollars and zero cents. (Don't worry your pretty little heads, I've got a line of credit and overdraft protection and all that fancy grown up stuff. *pats self on back*) How weird is that? Spending EXACTLY how much you have left in your account without even knowing it ( I had made other purchases earlier..... mmmmm... books) I mean, who gets their account to exactly $0.00? Cool!

Maybe I should be on Lost, what with my super cool number co-incidences and stuff. Maybe I should be the character who gets to get it on with Desmond and his accent! What a great idea!

PS I promise I'll spend less next month kay?


Slinger said...

Damn, that is actually really cool! Maybe that is your superpower "being able to prefectly manage money!"

Victoria said...

My superpower cape could be green on the inside and I could have a scale on my uniform with little $$$s on one side and piles of goldon the other!

*duh duh duh DUH!* ( that was my superpower song )

dilling said...

it is an ingenius way to land yourself on an island of good looking men...

Victoria said...

Dilling, I'm going to go to sleep tonight dreaming of me landing on an island of good looking men!
