Monday 26 January 2009

Sleeping it Off

I guess it's flu season, what with all the hacking and coughing and people who sound like they're lifelong 80 year old smokers surrounding me. Not to mention the stomach thing that's going around, which may or may not be the flu but oh lord please stay home when you're sick because I do not wants what you has.

One of the ways I know that my immune system is working its butt off to keep the germs at bay is what happened Saturday. I came home from a lunch out with some girlfriends and got caught up on Lost (which, really, how did that episode go by so quickly, was I caught in my own time warp or something?) and then realized I just needed a few minutes with my eyes closed before I headed to the gym, or caught up on emails or something.

And when I woke up it was nine o'clock.

At night.

Starve a fever, feed a cold? Not me. For me it's sleep a fever and a cold.

Plus some Vitamin C and hand washing just for good measure.


Jonathan Beckett said...

I think you might be right about sleep - or perhaps its because we never stop, and our body sneaks up on us while we're asleep and doubles it up ?

Great post.

Victoria said...

Hmmmm, maybe? (I like the idea of my body sneaking up on me while I sleep, hee hee)

Thanks :)

dilling said...

It might've been the haggis....

Victoria said...

Hmmmm.... good point! ;)