So I decided to do the same thing this weekend. Kind of mulled it over all week, and then decided it would be worth it to go. And let me tell you, I'm really glad I did!
No, I didn't get in to see any events (I wish I'd thought ahead enough to try for that though after having been over there) but I got to be part of it all. The people. So many people! Proud Canadians in their Canada gear everywhere. Proud visitors from other countries wearing flags and hats and jackets and carrying flags from their homeland. Athletes and officials taking a few hours to look around, stopping and smiling for photos. People smiling, laughing, wandering wide-eyed through downtown Vancouver. Young and old shouting for joy as they zip-lined across Robson square. Streets closed to vehicle traffic, police at every intersection making sure the pedestrians were crossing safely. Going on the seabus and talking to people from Germany, and talking to locals who told me the best place to go to get sunset pictures. Everyone talking about how well everything was running and how amazing it all is.
Seeing the Olympic cauldron and the Olympic flame, knowing what it represents and where it's been and how long it's been holding the Olympic spirit.

I don't know, it was just awesome. All of it. To be part of a huge group of people who are all celebrating. All joining together to be a part of something bigger. And I know nothing like this is ever perfect and I know some people are unhappy with things and I know there has been sadness, but I was in a host city during the Olympics. I saw it. I felt it. I smiled my way through the day. And I'm still smiling.
Y'all? It was cool. Really cool. I'm glad I did it. For anyone who lives close to a city that's hosting the Olympics in the future? My advice is go. Try to get tickets to an event, but if you can't, go anyway. Be part of it. See what it's like. Drink in the spirit and energy of the world visiting your home. It's amazing.
Once in a lifetime for sure.
Go, Canada, Go!
Yay I get to move there on Friday :)
Yay you!
I already did move there!
It's been so cool. I've been going the free concerts and everything. Can you believe I actually saw somebody CROWD SURF on a SKYTRAIN???!!!
.... this isn't supposed to be about me... I'm supposed to be commenting on your blog entry I suppose. Anyhow, I'm totally with you on what you said.
Seriously? Woah! Now that's a busy skytrain! lol
Awesome that you live there and are able to take it all in TC. :)
In 2012 the Summer Olympics will be an hour away from us - we are going to go as much as we possibly can (probably need to start saving now!)
I was thinking of you when I said that! You'll love it! Yes, start saving now :D
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