Saturday, 29 May 2010


You guys?

I pulled on a door.

It didn't open.

So I pulled on the other door.

It didn't open either.

That's when I looked down.

And saw the "PUSH" sign.

I'm smart.

In fact, I'm the superhero of smart.


Dominic said...

Your argument

Victoria said...

Well, there you go then.

Dominic said...

Glad we got that sorted :)

Kas said...

At least you tried to open before entering... I've done that, but I would push (on a pull door) while trying to enter and SMACK right into the glass.... ouch.

Charles said...

doors are hard....

Victoria said...

Oh, ouch Kas! Luckily, you're not like Justin Beiber who did that and was caught on camera doing that because of all the papperazzi! (I totally spelled that wrong and don't have the energy to find out how to spell it correctly.)

Charles, they are hard, but they're also tricky.