Monday, 4 July 2011


I think that may have been the longest long weekend ever!

And man, did I ever need it.

Last week at work was exhausting, and I only worked a few days of it, but still. This long weekend couldn't have come at a better time and although I know I'll probably never quite be who I was three weeks ago, I am feeling slightly closer to normal.

Or, as C-Dawg might say, as "normal" as I can get.


Maybe I'm just feeling a bit better and less stressed.

So happy holidays to all my friends from the US and back to work for the rest of us!

Hope your weekend was a good one.


Just Sayin... said...

A new kind of Normal. :)

Glad your weekend was great!

Victoria said...

Thanks JS ;)

Jonathan Beckett said...

Glad you had a good weekend - ours was normal (meaning manic, busy, but fun)

Victoria said...

This is a good thing :)