Tuesday 18 February 2014


I get really angry when people turn out not to be perfect.

Yeah, I know how that sounds.

When I'm getting to know people, or even when I know them already, I somehow have this vision, this idea in my head that they are perfect in all the ways I imagine them to be.

They are the friend who is selfless.  The boyfriend who knows everything about me and has memorized every word I ever spoke.

People that I let into my life, closer than a co-worker or acquaintance, I feel like they're perfect.  And I get mad when they're not.

I get mad when the friend who is a perfect parent is grumpy and short with her kids.

I get mad when the boyfriend forgets I already told him I don't like X, Y, Z and here he is all excited about X, Y, Z for dinner.

I know this is not realistic.  I know no one is perfect.  But I still get angry and frustrated and hurt when people are less than I believed them to be.

And I feel like it just continues the cycle of me feeling like I'm always being let down by people.

I wonder just how crazy in the head this makes me....



Likalia said...

I know this is often how I feel about people when they 'let me down', a by-product of wanting to see the best in people. Which I suppose is a little crazy since no one is perfect, but it is always disappointing when people do something that goes against the image you have of them in your mind.

I am sure it is a feeling people have about me all the time too, I guess we all just need to train ourselves to not be so critical or idealistic. I am not sure really since I can't seem to prevent myself from falling into the same situation over and over again. :)

Dominic said...

You and every "Twilight" fan ;)

Meg said...

I used to be like this all the time, and would "cut" people out who disappointed me numerous times and let me down.
I realised that was going to affect me more than them, as I would end up with very little friends!
So now I've learnt to lower my expectations, or don't have any at all - and am surprisingly surprised by how some people step up :)

Victoria said...

Totally Likalia...

Twilight fans are crazy too? Or they're disappointed that Edward was so perfect?

I wish I knew how to not have expectations, it's a concept I can't quite figure out.