Wednesday 16 September 2015

Oh... Right

I had a steak set aside for Monday night's dinner, the idea being that I'd need a good, solid boost of protein and iron and it would get me through my first full week back.  Rawr!

When I pulled the steak out to get it ready to cook, I noticed it looked a little sketchy.  And so I checked the "best by" date and that's when I realized that it wasn't best before the 15th, it was the year that was 2015 and the steak itself was a good few days overdue.

So good thing I figured that out beforehand, eh? 

Way to be tricksy 2015, sneaking up on me like that, pretending you were the middle of the month!


Anne Roy said...

vegetables have protein ... no need to eat some gormless cow ...

10 minute meals!

Anne, Cdn in England

Victoria said...

Thanks Anne! :)