Wednesday 14 June 2017

Hey Now!

Got bonked on the head by a crow on my way home yesterday evening.

It wasn't hard, and I wouldn't have known what it was but for the crow flying past my head!

I know they're protecting their young ones, I've been dive bombed once or twice before, but I can't recall ever actually being hit before.

I think it was likely a wing tip?

So, sorry crows, that I seemed to be a threat, I promise I'm not!


Jason Langlois said...

Ah, crows.

I'm still convinced I must owe one of them money. He or she pops by my patio and stares in my window every summer (at least I assume its the same crow) looking annoyed at me.

I've been lucky this year, though - no dive bomb or crow attacks on my knees!

Victoria said...

Stares or glares? Annoyed or... enamoured?

Wait... crow attacks on your knees???

Jason Langlois said...

I had one chase me down the sidewalk one summer, hop hop hopping at me. I can only assume it was trying to break my kneecaps for failure to pay my debt or something.

Victoria said...