Monday 17 February 2020

Oh, Right

Well, it turns out today is that (relatively) new holiday here.... "Family Day"  Turns out it's a holiday in a few provinces and actually a Federal US holiday too so.... there you go I guess?  Doesn't mean everyone has the day off of course, but lots do and so I hope they have a happy day.  Kinda nice when you have these holidays with no expectations of gifts or buying or meal making or anything at all really.  Some folks are taking time to go see their family, which is sweet, and a nice use of a day off.

I don't have plans.... at least not that I know of!  I did have a nice moment yesterday though when I realized it was a long weekend so that was nice.

So, have a happy Monday or a happy Family Day or a happy... whatever is going on by the time you read this day!

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