Monday 29 November 2021


It's Sunday, I don't have anything to say.

It's raining again.  More in other places than here.  More in the places that were only just starting to attempt recovery from the last heavy rain.  Highways are preventatively closed.  Places are getting evacuated.  Jason hasn't even gotten near to dealing with some of the stuff in his place and we weren't particularly badly hit, all things considered so... I don't know how anyone is supposed to keep being ok.


I'm tired.  I think the long hours of dark are something to do with that.  It starts getting dark in the early afternoon and then it's dark by 5 and then it's like my brain goes oh well it's dark so it must be bedtime, right?  Well no, brain, it's not, it's just sort of nearly dinner.  And my brain backs off for a while but then it's 7 and my brain's like it must be bedtime now, right?  No brain, another few hours.  But then at 8 I want to sleep and at 9 I need to go to bed because it's been night time for hours and hours but I know I won't get a solid sleep if I try to to go bed now so I try to stay up.

I did go to bed around 9 something Saturday night.  I read for a while and then I turned off the lights and fell asleep after a while.  It's ok to be tired sometimes.  I guess.

I bought a crazy carpet this weekend.  It's a piece of plastic you can use to sled with.  I had a bright red one as a kid... they're not comfortable (duh) but they roll up and are easy and light to carry and the last few times we got snow I wished I had a way to maybe even go down one hill, just one and so I made a note for this year to buy a sled.  And so I did.

Which, hilariously, happened to freak out a few people as I got in line.  "Is it going to snow????"  Me: No, er, I just... wished I had one last year so I wanted to buy one early this year?  Other person "Is there snow coming?"  Me:  Um, no... I just... I mean, I wanted one last year, and now don't worry because I probably just made it so we won't get any snow at all this year you're welcome?"

So yeah, crazy carpet acquired and drying in my trunk.  I guess I should get it out before I try to use the trunk and find the green thing in there.


Jason Langlois said...

Ahhhh! Crazy carpets! You feel every rock and stone on the way down the slope with those, but so much fun.

Victoria said...

Ahh yes, I see you have experienced the pain that is a crazy carpet! ha.
Fun and easy to store. I would love a "cushier" experience but nowhere to put one ;)