Saturday 17 February 2024

Well That Was Weird

So yesterday I was just chatting with my neighbour when I got all hot/cold and felt like I was close to fainting.

I told her I had to stop talking now as I wasn't feeling good and I went straight into my bathroom in case anything wanted/needed "out" and I think I looked incredibly off/pale, and I didn't have a fever but I was clammy and I have no idea what that was about.

I was hydrated and fed and rested and I was literally just standing chatting, not exerting myself (mainly listening).  Maybe the neighbour has a weird energy that threw me off?  Maybe it's a remnant of being unwell or coming off of the antibiotics?  I don't know.

I had myself some electrolytes and then some salty popcorn but like as soon as I'd sort of gotten away and gone to the bathroom I felt ok, I just wanted to make sure my system was fine with the electrolytes you know?

So that was uncomfortable and different.

We shall see if that was a one off eh?

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