Wednesday 6 March 2024

Cuts Like A Knife (But It Doesn't Feel So Right)

I was moving some things at work yesterday and as I put them down (or was I lifting them up?) the edge of one of the items SLICED into that crook of skin between my thumb and first finger in the nastiest paper cut I have had in a while.

I mean paper cuts are always ouchie but this one actually bled (ermagherd) and yes I got it covered up right away but do you know how often you stretch that part of your hand?  Well I can tell you it's quite a lot, even on your non dominant hand!

I'll keep a bandaid on it to keep it clean while it heals (it's quite deep and wide...gah) but also to hopefully keep the skin together when I do use that hand so that it's not... you know, constantly pulling part.  D'oh.   Oh and?  Since the bandaid has to go down into my palm to keep the wound covered and you use your palm and your palm sweats, even if just a little the bandaid will eventually stop sticking and then you have to deal with that as well!

Anyway.  Yeah, that was a doozie and it's going to be here I while I figure!  So weird that the edge of paper (or cardboard or stock paper which is what I think this might have been?) can be so nasty, eh?

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