Monday 4 March 2024

The Power and Magic That Words Can Hold

I was thinking on that post the other day where I mentioned my life not being a written tv/movie/show/book and it occurred to me to maybe sort of try interpreting things that way to see how my life might appear to the outsider (and myself) if I "turned" it into something crafted and curated.

So instead of "I got a new book at the library" here's a "writing for effect but only positively!" version of that I thought up!


Victoria had timed it perfectly.

The book she'd put on hold was ready for pick up at the library the morning after she finished the last book she was reading - a feat she'd managed to pull off this perfectly handful of times before.  A feat that always felt like magic.

Throwing on her coziest, warmest, most weather proof jacket for the last of the Winter chill she set off at a brisk pace in the brisk air feeling the breeze cooling her cheeks and blowing her hair back from her face, chilling her ears.  She laughed to herself wondering how many times she could use the word "brisk" in a sentence!

As she made her way down the sidewalks, she exchanged friendly hellos with others on their own missions, catching the eye of a shy older lady who seemed lit up by the attention.  The music in her ears made her steps a little jauntier and by the time she got back home, wind blown and rosy cheeked from the cold, new book in hand and old book carefully returned, she felt her day was just about perfect and her body thrummed happily from the fresh air and exercise.


..... I might try this exercise (writing exercise) a bit more so if you ever see me referring to myself in the third person here going forward you can see that's what I'm doing. 


Jason Langlois said...

I hope you can be the hero of your own story.

Victoria said...

I'd like that for sure!