Saturday 2 March 2024

Wow. That Came Out Of Nowhere

I can recognize that my dreams (the ones I remember) are often taken in part from a show I'm watching.

Like over the weekend I finished a show that was essentially a romance (with some sex scenes included) and so my brain gave me a romantic dream on Sunday morning.

Except the person my brain pulled out for this dream was quite surprising to me.  As was the fact that this dream was so good and nice and lovely feeling that I tried to stay asleep and "go back" into the dream once I started waking up.

But yeah, my brain chose one of my high school boyfriends to put into this dream and we met up randomly and it was just amazing and what a wonderful, heartfelt, sweet connection and I have no idea why him although he was quite lovely I suppose?

Brains are weird and interesting and I would love to have lots more happy feeling dreams please and thank you!


Jason Langlois said...

Wow, glad it was a nice dream for a change.

Victoria said...

Right? Woot! ;)