Wednesday 10 April 2024

Oh NOooooOOoOO

I broke a plant.

Like, snapped the thing.  Totally by accident and I suppose my fault for not knowing but also not my fault?

A few years ago one of my neighbours put this spindly limbed plant into the "give away" spot and I grabbed it.  I don't know how or where they had put it but the plant had to stalks (stems?) that were WILDLY twisty and so I've had them "tied" to stakes to have them be upright rather than shoot off to the side and fall down due to the weight of the (long, thin) leaves.

I repotted it last year and it grew a third stalk which made me VERY happy and I've been rotating it in an attempt to have the older stalks grow as straight as possible and so the other week I wanted to try to re-straighten one of the very bendy limbs.

As I was wrapping it around the guide pole, which I've done before by the way, I somehow twisted it the wrong way or too hard and it snapped.  Like the entire top half of the plant just snapped in half. OH NO!

I felt horrible.  For causing the plant pain, but also for losing a limb, even though I'm sure more experienced plant owners cut and chop all the time.

I quickly cut up the "still has leaves" portion of the now broken off stalk/stem and stuck it right back into the soil.  (I didn't know if that was the right thing to do but I wanted to try.). I put the other part (with no leaves) in water to see if it might root itself.

It's been a couple of weeks now and the part I stuck back into the dirt has lost a bunch of its bottom leaves but I'm keeping hopeful that it might be ok in the long run?

The part I put in water doesn't seem to be doing anything but I'll probably stick it in some dirt once I buy some (I'm currently low/nearly out) as I also have a leaf from a different plant stuck in some water since it just fell itself off (aka WASN'T ME!)

But, yeah, I broke a plant and I felt pretty bad about it, but I'm hopeful it will save what's left of itself! (And if it does, then I'll only have one twisty branch/stem/stalk!)

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