Tuesday 9 April 2024

This Is Probably A Nature Blog Now!

(I mean two days of spider blog posts and now this!)

Last night I learned about the birds and the bees.  The raccoon birds and bees, I mean.

I was heading to bed and heard a "not normal" noise in the parking area.  I took a peek out my bedroom window and saw two raccoons frolicking on the roof of our parking area.

Now I've heard raccoons fight before.  It's NOISYYYYYY and screamy.  These two weren't fighting, but they were wrestling?

I heard a kind of chittering noise as they continued to wrestle, and then one of them, well, they mounted the other and I went "OH!  Raccoon sex!" and I probably blushed but I was also thinking it all seemed kind of sweet as sometimes animal sex (I'm thinking of YOU ducks!) can look kind of not... pleasant or what I'd call particularly consensual for the lady so this all seemed rather sweet.  She had the opportunity to leave but didn't, and they were all rolly-polly and then a little rumpy-pumpy and then back to the play wrestling.

I got ready for bed and peeked back out a few minutes later and they didn't seem quite finished but one of them was walking to the back of the roof area followed by the other.  I was curious if that was an indication of "done"-ness or if they just wanted a little more privacy as there are bushes and shrubs in that part of the lot and then I heard a loud crack followed by a thud so I don't know if it's common but it seems that this time raccoon sex was ended by one of them breaking a branch and falling to the ground!

I mean, I'm pretty sure I'd no longer be up for any fun times after that!  

So yeah, I learned about raccoon sex and that raccoons can both break and then fall out of trees.  Whoops!


Jason Langlois said...

Your neighbourhood has gone just wild!

Victoria said...

Well THAT explains it! WOOT!