Wednesday 26 June 2024

Good News/Bad News

In an ever so slightly frustrating turn of events, it seems my body is currently really not cool with eating things I've up until now been just fine with.

The more... chemically filled things I mean.

The simple, tasty go to things like... the hot dogs I had for dinner on Wednesday that I've had plenty of times before when camping or just wanting an easy comfort food....

I ate them for dinner and they didn't seem to agree with me but later than night I actually threw them back up in a not nice kind of way. (Not that throwing up is ever nice, I'm just saying it wasn't... mild).

I'd wonder if I had a flu but I had no other symptoms (like fever or chills or anything) and once they were out of my system I started to feel better.

Could, I suppose be food poisoning but it more seemed like my body just wanted that stuff out.

Same with a tasty snack food I brought home and treated myself to and then found made me feel just ick.

So while it's great that my body is seeming to tell me it does not like things chock full of chemicals it's also kind of a bummer as sometimes you just want that easy treat or that particular flavour.  I have, for what it's worth, been trying to make my own snacks at home, but yeah, sometimes you just crave that mass produced "crap".

First world problem, I know.

So yay to my body putting its foot down (but also, OH MANNNNNNNNN kind of whiny complaint.)


Jason Langlois said...

That's too bad :(

Victoria said...

I mean in tasty ways yes but in overall health ways it's probably for the best?