Thursday 27 June 2024

Another Time My Brain Weirded Me Out

You've probably read some of the other times my brain comes up with something that then makes me get all wigged out... well, I had another one of those this week!

I'm not sure I'll do a great job explaining, you probably had to be there... you know, inside my head but I'll try.

I was driving to work Monday morning when it occurred to me that driving is really really weird.

Like all of a sudden all I could think was that there were all these humans sitting inside these tin boxes and sure, manipulating them around but like the whole concept just became all too weird for me.

Which was awkward and uncomfortable as I was driving one of those tin boxes myself but I mean really... it's weird.

There's a tin box and it's going that way.  And that one came around the corner.  And that one's waiting for another one to pass and like what?  What IS driving?  What are cars?  Why do we do this?  I mean I know why we do this but it's so very odd.

Like I said, I doubt I can do justice to the weirdness that I felt in that moment of (over)thinking but there you have it.  Cars are weird.  

The end!

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