Friday 28 June 2024

My Fans!

No, I'm not Ms Taylor Swift, I'm a person who doesn't like being overly warm!

So I have fans.  You know, the blowing air on you kind... 

I have two of the same type (branded tower fans) that are kind of in a line.  One's right near me and the other is far away but blowing towards me.  I don't know if this actually does anything clever but it feels like it so I'm going with it!

These fans have a remote but one of them I lost the remote (it was given to me used by my parents so it may never have come this way to be fair) which is fine because they're the same (but different colours) so one remote works for both.

Which can lead to some really amusing moments as I don't always have both of them on at the same time but if I try to use the remote to change something it will change both of them!  So I've had moments of trying to turn the one near me off but then that turns on the one further away.  Or endless numbers of "no, not you just the other one" kind of funny moments.

Sometimes I can manage to point to the one near me while using my hand to block the signal to the far away one and that seems to work but for some reason I'm finding the whole thing a little extra amusing.

Fans man... gotta love 'em!

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